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On April 11th, we attended the blessing and ribbon cutting ceremony for our Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Dental Clinic Expansion project. As part of the clin­ic’s ex­pan­sion, the tribe has also been ap­proved to train Den­tal Health Aide Ther­a­pists (DHATs) and is in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Sk­agit Val­ley Col­lege to pro­vide the clin­i­cal train­ing site which would be housed in this ex­pan­sion.This DHAT Train­ing pro­gram will be the first of its kind in the lower 48 states. Learn why this pro­ject re­in­forces why our tribal work is so mean­ing­ful to us and the impact this project will have: more project images at:
Chil­dren’s Mu­seum of Sk­agit County
HKP is work­ing with the Chil­dren’s Mu­seum of Sk­agit County to de­sign their new home in a lo­cal out­let mall. The de­sign strat­egy in­volves phas­ing the
pro­ject to mit­i­gate im­pacts to the Mu­se­um’s op­er­a­tion and its many mem­bers.Phase 1 of our Chil­dren’s Mu­seum of Sk­agit County is now done and open for business! Phase 2 is slated for completion this summer. Learn more about this project:
Community Events
The HKP Architects Team attended many events recently, perhaps we saw you at a few of them?It was great to see clients and new par­tic­i­pants at this year’s Spot­light on 
Sk­agit B2B event. We also enjoyed meeting prospective new team members at the University of Washington College of Built Environments Career Fair.It was rewarding for Julie Blazek to participate as a panel member in the University of Washington Foster School of Business’s Construction’s Market Trends forum, which focused on helping consultants and subcontractors break into new delivery models and understand current trends in design and construction. We’re expanding our GC/CM and Design Build projects and are currently working on our Western Washington University Progressive Design Build project with Mortenson.For Earth Day, Brian Poppe participated in the Association for Learning Environments’ ( Day of Service at Madison Elementary School in Everett, Washington.
We’re glad for these positive experiences and the project milestones achieved, but there’s more good news to come. Stay tuned.  With warm regards,
The HKP Architects Team
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