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Local author, philanthropist starts podcast to share hope and inspiration

Intrigued by stories of how people overcome life's hurdles, Kelly Schols, interviews a diverse guest list on his new podcast, Never by the Book. "I've always been curious about why some people overcome hardship while others stay stuck," said Schols. "There are many factors at play, but I believe there is something to learn from everyone's story."

Schols' podcast has featured interviews with Jeff Turner, a pastor who struggled with and overcame alcoholism, and Whitney Stuart, who lost her father in a tragic automobile accident when she was eight years old. Both Turner and Stuart use what they've learned through their struggles to help others live successful and fulfilling lives.

In a down-to-earth manner, Schols creates a relaxed atmosphere that enables guests to share their stories with transparency. Several guests have been quoted as saying, “I’ve never shared this with anyone before,” yet seem to be perfectly comfortable doing so on the program.

The podcast has a line up of insightful programs including September's episode Escape to Freedom: Courage or Insanity? which will feature Andrew Popa's gripping account of fleeing Communist Romania in the dead of night when he was 19 years old. Since finding freedom in America, Popa has used his experience to help many others find theirs.

Schols' interest in hardship is rooted in his upbringing that includes being taken away from his biological father at age 2. Schols pursued a reckless youth but reached a tipping point as dead broke alcoholic in his mid-twenties. Hitting bottom ignited a mindset shift resulting in Schols becoming crystal clear on what he did and didn't want. Over the next fifteen years, Schols transformed into a successful husband, father, business owner, and a debt-free multi-millionaire. "I still think a lot about my 'make it or break it' point,'" said Schols. I've had friends who took their lives when they hit bottom, and others, including myself, who found a way back to the light. Those turning point stories are what intrigue me the most."

At the end of each episode, Schols reminds listeners that he is always interested in talking with people willing to share their stories of overcoming heartache, loss, struggles or addictions. He invites would-be guests to contact him through his website:

Never By The Book Podcast can be found on Spotify, TuneIn, Apple, or Google Podcasts.

About Kelly Schols:

Kelly Schols is an author, speaker, coach, success mentor, and podcast host, who became debt-free and a multi-millionaire by age 40. Today Kelly shares his knowledge of how to achieve financial freedom through workshops and executive coaching. Through his Book and podcast, Never by the Book, Kelly explores with curiosity and transparency what it takes to overcome obstacles and live a life of incredible fulfillment.

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