Senator Murray Visits WSU Breadlab at Port of Skagit
US Senator Patty Murray visited the WSU Breadlab at the Port of Skagit this week to talk about investing in value-added agriculture in Skagit County.
Senator Murray, who serves as the Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, held a roundtable discussion with Breadlab researchers and Port officials on some key federal investments to move the region forward.
“I want you all to know just how serious I am about delivering federal investments to support the Port of Skagit and agricultural initiatives like Breadlab, which keep our economy running and food on our tables,” stated Senator Murray.
The WSU Breadlab has been located at the Port of Skagit since 2015 and was the Port’s first partner in building the value-added agriculture sector at the Bayview Business Park. With more than 80 different crops grown commercially in the Skagit Valley, agriculture is an important industry within our community and beyond.
“We appreciate Senator Murray’s support of value-added agriculture in our community and her commitment to ensuring its viability,” stated Port Commission President Steve Omdal. “We look forward to partnering with her to enhance the opportunities for continued growth and successful outcomes for local agriculture.”
The Port of Skagit is home to about 20 different value-added agriculture businesses. The diverse agricultural work being done by Port tenants include research, wheat-breeding, milling, brewing, baking, malting, farm incubator, trainings and workshops, seed, bulb and fertilizer companies, pickle and meat processing, active farmland and more.