Skagit Valley College hosts open house and reception for “Around the Americas” education and research sailing expedition
Skagit Valley College (SVC) Foundation and the SVC San Juan Center invite the public to a special open house and reception for the Around the Americas education and research sailing expedition. This event will take place on Friday, March 21, at the Spring Street Pier in Friday Harbor.
The open house will run from 3-5 p.m., followed by a reception from 5-6 p.m., with remarks scheduled at 5:15 p.m. This event is open to the public and anyone interested in learning more about this groundbreaking maritime expedition.
The Around the Americas 14-month voyage will be conducted by a five-person crew, including two undergraduate marine science students, who will collect open-source scientific data for educators, students, and researchers worldwide.
Open house visitors will have the opportunity to explore the vessel, meet the crew, and learn about their mission to promote sustainability and ocean conservation.
The research vessel sailing vessel (S/V) One Ocean, which has undergone extensive refits at SVC’s Marine Technology Center ahead of its scheduled departure from Anacortes on May 3.
SVC is a lead partner in the Around the Americas project, collaborating through its Marine Maintenance Technology program. The program enrolls more than 50 students pursuing associate degrees and certificates in marine maintenance technology, marine electrical technician training, and marine mechanical technician training.
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Skagit Valley College is an equal opportunity institution. If you need disability accommodations for this event, please contact Disability Access Services at