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Potential Finders Offers Classes at Skagit Valley College

Whole-Person Self-care for the Holidays

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? In need of self-care? But wait. What exactly is self-care? Our society often implies a definition something like, building a frantic, overwhelming life, taking a few minutes out to rejuvenate, and then plugging yourself back in to your frantic, overwhelming life. The emphasis on constant productivity and juggling overwhelming responsibilities makes caring for self a confusing, guilt-provoking activity. Add in all the expectations of the holiday season and the concept of self-care becomes even more allusive. This class will show you a better way. Using practical understanding of the workings of the brain and body and looking at all dimensions of life, you will learn a more realistic and healthy definition of self-care and have the opportunity to create a sustainable, whole-person plan of your own that will improve all areas of your life! We encourage you to invite a friend, family member, or colleague to this class to build in greater accountability & support in your self-care journey.

Fee: $65.00

Dates: 11/16/2022

Times: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Days: Wednesday

Building: Angst Hall, Mount Vernon Campus Room: 125


Leadership During Uncertainty: Brain-Based Strategies for Professional Success

If you are like most people, you are inundated with choices and overwhelmed with uncertainty! In the midst of this, as a leader, you must keep your eye on your team and the bottom line. With the ever-increasing demand coupled with a diminishing workforce, this goal may seem more and more elusive. The truth is, whatever your vocation, you are human and, as such, you have a brain and body that works in a particular way. Modern advances in brain science have provided new information we can use to improve our understanding of ourselves and others. In this short course, you will learn ways your own brain may be getting in the way of your success as well as tips for how to make positive changes. Whether you struggle with work-related or interpersonal stress, poor motivation or decision-making, or just want to be steps ahead in your understanding of yourself and others, this insightful and tailored class will help you make better use of your brain as you lead in these tough times.

Fee: $125.00

Dates: 11/8/2022 & 11/15/2022

Times: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Sessions: 2

Days: Tuesdays

Building: Angst Hall, Mount Vernon Campus Room: 125

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