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Mount Vernon Affordable Housing grant application

The Mount Vernon City Council recently approved a Request for Proposals inviting applications from qualified parties to increase the supply of affordable housing and assistance programs in the city.  Applications must be consistent with RCW 82.14.530, commonly known as 1590 monies.

The City of Mount Vernon estimates $1.7 million to be available for funding on October 23rd when applications will be approved by the City Council. However, the city is open to considering funding proposals that exceed the expected funding amount.

The RFP, application forms, and the timeline of grant awards can be found on the city webpage at Mount Vernon 1590 Grant Page.

"While the city has dedicated a portion of this funding to support the great work being done by our Integrated Outreach Services team," Mayor Peter Donovan added, "we are excited to further our collaboration with social service providers to effectively utilize these funds. This will help us increase our impact on the issues of homelessness and behavioral health that unfortunately we continue to see too often in our communities."

Questions can be sent to Special Projects Manager Steve Sexton at

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