Member Announcements
Skagit Valley College (SVC) and the Economic Development Alliance of Skagit County (EDASC) are pleased to announce their continued partnership in the highly successful Leadership Skagit program. SVC President Tom Keegan and EDASC CEO John Sternlicht have signed a cooperative agreement that formalizes their commitment to providing vibrant, relevant, and innovative programming that will continue…
The median sales price of a Skagit County home rose 7.9% to $374,500 in 2019, according to Shelah Inman of Brown McMillen Real Estate. Inman prepared a year-end report based on data from the Northwest Washington Multiple Listing Service. “While not the double-digit gains of 11.3% in 2018 and 11.1% in 2017, we still had…
EDASC’s annual Economic Forecast Night brings together over 400 business leaders, elected officials and community representatives to look at economic and business trends shaping Skagit County and beyond. Enjoy dinner with a no-host bar while hearing from our speakers. Along with EDASC CEO John Sternlicht’s year-in-review and look forward at the county’s economic trends by…
The Mount Vernon Downtown Association is pleased to present our annual Birds of Winter Art Walk on Saturday, February 1, 2020 in conjunction with Birds of Winter: A Skagit Valley Experience. Participating businesses and galleries will feature artists exploring the natural world, including bird-themed art. The MVDA will host four Saturday Art Walks in 2020:…
New Mom’s Group This group is led by a Family Birth Center RN/Lactation Consultant. Bring your baby, join us for beverages and talk about your experiences as a new mom. Meet other moms, weigh your baby and get answers to your questions about infant feeding, development and much more. Pregnant women, moms with babies and…
At approximately 8:58 p.m. on Christmas Eve, Skagit Dispatch received a call from a passenger traveling in a vehicle on I-5 who reported seeing smoke rising from a structure near Fir Street and Shop Lane. Upon arriving to the area, first responders were unable to immediately locate the fire, but spread out to search and…
Community Action of Skagit County will feature Ryan Dowd at their March 25, 2020 Have a Heart for Community event at the Swinomish Casino and Lodge. 9 a Mr. Dowd is the author of “The Librarians Guide to Homelessness” and runs one of the largest homeless shelters outside of Chicago in the United States. Attendees…